Youths' Creative Solutions for Placemaking for Encounters at Children's Playgrounds

Vezne R. (Yürütücü), Erkuş H.

Erasmus Projesi, 2022 - 2024

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Şubat 2022
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Şubat 2024

Proje Özeti

PLACE FOR PLAY is a curriculum builder for all youths, either students or young professionals, youth leaders and involved. This means there will be immediate scaling up of the future and starting professional profile of participants and capacity building for partner organisations making them more capable of community intervention that fosters sustainability and social wellbeing. PLACE FOR PLAY will enable skills development through: - transfer of knowledge and skills between youths at different levels of education in different disciplines, - transfer of expertise between the partner organizations in the area of placemaking, culture management, education and entrepreneurship of young people, - engagement of youths and mentors/educators in multidisciplinary creative solution finding for the transformation of children's playgrounds for more social wellbeing and - transforming children's playgrounds into a space for cultural operators to intervene on social education for a more inclusive society and resilient community both culture and society being presently under stress due to the COVID19 pandemic. The objectives of PLACE FOR PLAY spread out the following components: CULTIVATION OF A NEW GENERATION OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS in architecture, urban development, design and culture management and other related disciplines that can be positive contributors to engage in dialogue and be active citizens for the benefit of their respective communities. The blended learning experience in PLACE FOR PLAY will - up young people’s consciousness about the importance of human centred urban development and social considerations required for placemaking in human centred design, - increase their research mindset, - open their minds to cross disciplinary cooperation, - convey informal and non-formal skills and - empower them in the community. The UN 17 SDGs will be taken as lighthouse for young people to follow in order to generate new ideas and become active citizens willing and able to contribute to wellbeing, social cohesion and social inclusion in their communities, with special attention to those at risk of exclusion due to age, economic challenges, diverse cultural backgrounds, special psychological and physical challenges and different levels of education. FOSTERING OF PROXIMITY BETWEEN THE YOUTH SECTOR AND HE through non formal training paths and engagement of learners from different disciplines in informal learning settings that: - empower formal education providers with a personal and professional education that goes beyond the acquisition of formal qualifications, - cultivate creative transfer among different disciplines and different levels in education contributing together to more sustainable urban living environments in a process of creative solution finding, community consultation and cross-disciplinary cooperation, - up the professional status and social position of youth organisations by augmenting their training and service offer, their relevance in the youth’s professional future and as promoters of active citizenship in their respective communities and - bringing the youth sector closer to formal education and bringing youth leadership skills into formal education settings. GENERATING NEW AREAS OF POTENTIAL FOR CULTURAL OPERATORS using children's playgrounds (ideally repurposed as proposed by this project) as a place of animated encounter for social and cultural activities and community education.